Detox WTF - The LIVE program
Let's Make Identifying and Addressing Everyday Toxic Exposures Easy!
A step-by-step, do-able detox. Providing real-life solutions and actual support to real people.
Helping you to feel confident as you protect your family's health by reducing exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals.

This LIVE program is currently full - next round in May 2025
(get the pre-recorded version HERE)
Overwhelmed by everything you're hearing about toxic chemicals?
Worried about the impact they might be having on your family's health?
It doesn't matter if you're currently working on growing your family, or you already have kids and you want to help THEM live as tox-free as they can... the whole 'low-tox conversation is a VERY noisy space right now!
If you're feeling overwhelmed, anxious and under-informed... It's ok, you're not alone!
What's 'safe', what's not? and how much should I listen to the Tik Tok Influencer I just found?? Do I really need to do a 'juice cleanse' or not eat for 3 days?? - These are all very normal questions and things I am asked every day!
Environmental chemicals - even in things that we deal with every day, just through living our normal lives, are increasingly being linked to a long and growing list of serious chronic health issues.
Everything from obesity and diabetes to fertility issues, hormone imbalances, cancers, and more.
Trying to figure out what's safe and what has risks on your own is really overwhelming and confusing at best and paralysing and anxiety-producing at worst!
We all know what 'healthy-living' looks and sounds like - we know what we're 'supposed' to be eating and drinking and doing - which is great! But sadly most of the conversations about health completely ignore the role that environmental chemicals can play in causing or contributing to the very issues we're trying to resolve!
6 Live educational sessions
Checklists and Safer shopping guides
Community Support and Accountability
Discount Codes and Expert Guests

Protect your Family
Transform your home into a safe haven, allowing you to rest easy knowing you've done your best to create a hormone friendly space for you and your family to thrive in - even if you're still working on growing it

Shop Confidently
Feel empowered and informed about every day toxic exposures and be able to confidently shop for everyday products without worrying about whether you got duped by savvy marketing
Feel Informed and Empowered
Leave behind anxiety or overwhelm from trying to find safer, healthier products. Become a more savvy shopper, no longer at the mercy of some random influencer telling you what you 'need' to buy? (or NOT buy!)
I'm doing it with you!
Even though I spent literally MONTHS curating this content for you, finding articles, gathering data and ensuring it was as easy to follow as possible... I find myself a few years down the track feeling a bit like all my good habits are slipping. Small unnecessary toxic exposures are creeping back into my every day behaviours... and I'm FEELING IT!!!
I'm feeling slow, sluggish, I'm not sleeping as well as usual, my blood sugar levels are harder to control (and so are the 2pm snack cravings!!), my coffee intake has increased, anxiety is on the rise and my moods are a bit wild...
Sound familiar?
Now I'm not saying that reducing exposure to toxins is going to make all that go away (#hellomenopause), but taking control of SOMETHING sure feels like a good idea right now!
Much like back when I was in the midst of infertility and recurrent miscarriage - when it felt like EVERYTHING was out of my control - having even the smallest things that I COULD control made all the difference.
So, I'm giving myself a refresher on the Detox WTF content! and I'm going to do it LIVE.
What does this mean for you?
Weekly LIVE educational sessions (on zoom) taking us step-by-step through our homes finding where the toxic exposures are and working out what we can do about them (recorded if you miss them!)
Weekly checklists to help you make the changes you need to make in your home
Weekly safer shopping guides (with discount codes!)
Some simple Home-made solutions (if you're into that kind of thing!)
Simple every day Detoxification tips (our bodies are pretty good at doing this themselves if we help them!0
Guest sessions with some (expert) friends of mine to help us change our habits
a lovely vibrant Facebook group with daily checkins to keep us all on track!
Places are limited and it runs for 6 weeks
Detox WTF - the LIVE program
The WTF behind the concept of 'detox' with simple, actionable, REAL WORLD steps top help you reduce your exposure to all those nasty chemicals interrupting your hormones

Next LIVE delivery in May 2025
(get the pre-recorded version HERE)
Good for you if:
You know toxins are an issue in your life right now, you WANT to do something about it... you just don't know HOW
✔️ You want to create a more hormone friendly home, free of unnecessary toxic exposures
✔️ You are tired of relying on information on what's safe or what's toxic from social media and reliable, accurate information about which exposures really matter.
✔️ You suspect that everyday chemicals exposure may be contributing to some ongoing health issues and you want to learn to address them
Not right for you if:
You're not convinced toxins are really a 'thing'... or perhaps you are, but you don't think there's anything you can do about it
╳ You're looking for a quick fix or would rather band-aid your way out of it
╳ You're not prepared to change your habits
╳ You think that supplements will solve the problem
╳ You don't have 6 weeks to make some changes
╳ You're not into straight talk

What does our 6-week journey look like?
DetoxWTF is all about helping you quickly and systematically identify and address the hidden toxicants in your home.
In this program we're going to focus on the most common exposures that have the easiest and most accessible solutions (lots of them are completely FREE!).
This means you can take action quickly to start lowering the toxic burden for yourself and your family.
Here's what we'll be tackling each week of the program:
Week ONE
Understanding Environmental Toxins & your health PLUS Hidden Exposures from our Food
In the first week, we'll dive into why it's so important for us to address environmental exposures in the first place, how much they're costing us, and why we can't 'detox' our way out of this problem.
You'll learn about hidden toxicant exposures found in some of our healthiest foods: fruits, vegetables, fresh meat & seafood, and dairy products.
Week TWO
Toxins in the Kitchen: Cookware, Food Packaging and Food Storage
In this session, you'll learn about the sneaky places where harmful toxicants are hiding out in food packaging, food storage, cookware, and basic kitchen items.
You'll also learn how to use some of the unavoidable plastics that we all have in our kitchens.
You'll leave with an action plan on how to minimise toxic exposures in the healthiest room in the house!
Not so Pretty: Personal Care Products and Make-up
During week 3, we'll shift our focus to the bathroom, highlighting toxic chemicals commonly found in personal care products and beauty practices.
We'll debunk myths about skincare and personal care product regulation, empowering you with the knowledge to make safer shopping choices confidently.
Cleaning House: Toxic Chemicals in Household Cleaners
In the fourth week, we'll discuss the risks associated with conventional household cleaners and provide steps to simplify your cleaning routine. This lesson will save you money while creating a healthier, safer home environment for you and your family. You'll leave this lesson with a clear list of the top chemicals of concern, along with recommendations for brands that make effective and non-toxic cleaners!
Clearing The Air: Indoor Air Quality
In the fifth week, we'll explore the primary contributors to poor indoor air quality and what steps you can take to quickly and inexpensively improve your indoor air.
You'll also learn about what to look for in a quality air filter and how to make low-cost emergency air filters for unexpected situations.
Week SIX
How does this all impact Fertility? (mine AND my kids!)
In the final week, we'll wrap up everything we've covered in previous weeks and discuss how this specifically impacts fertility hormones - even in your KIDS (even if you haven't had them yet!!)!
Are you ready to embrace a healthier, toxin-free lifestyle?
(don't worry, it's not all about going vegan and organic!)
I've designed this program to guide you through the simple steps that can have a huge impact on your daily toxin exposure without having to invest in expensive 'detox' products, supplements, or protocols.
Whether you're overwhelmed by the daily news stories about all these 'hormone disrupting chemicals' and concerned about exposures in your daily life or worried about your family's exposures and the impact that could be having, this course will empower you to take your health to a new level.

So informative and Interesting
DetoxWTF was so informative and interesting.
Lucy broke it down into manageable pieces and made really complex topics easy to understand. I loved the program and have implemented some of the changes I learned about already. Feeling slightly overwhelmed by the amount of chemicals in everything but very empowered to make better choices - Karen
Less overwhelmed, more empowered
Thank you for this program, I found it very informative but also made me feel less overwhelmed, and more empowered and that I do have some control.
Prior to this program I thought I had to avoid everything and that's impossible and stressful.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge - Penny
Do-able and easy to navigate
It’s scary what is not being governed and that there are so many EDC’s in everything.
We trust it is regulated and we are safe, but we aren’t!
The course does shock you into action, but Lucy breaks it down and makes it very doable and easy to navigate. I am feeling very informed! - Tracey
Everything that's included in this 6 week program
Rather than feeling overwhelmed, this course will help you navigate low-tox living with confidence
Weekly Group Classes
These are held weekly LIVE and recordings will be available so you can revisit it as many times as you need to!
Ingredient Watchlist
A compilation of common chemicals found in household products, personal care items, and food packaging, and their potential health effects.
Simple every day detoxification
Tips for optimising your body's natural detoxification capacity, with no need for supplements or intimidating protocols
Low-Tox Inventory Checklist
Weekly checklist to identify items in your home that may need replacing, with product & behaviour change recommendations.
Everyday low-tox Resources
Websites, apps and browser extensions to help you locate safer, less toxic products.
Shopping Guides for Safer Products
Criteria for selecting safer alternatives to common household products like cleaning supplies, personal care products, and cosmetics.
Seen and Heard on

Why am I here?
I worked inside and alongside IVF clinics for almost 17 years before starting Two Lines Fertility and in all that time, environmental toxins was always viewed as an aside or an after-thought.
After leaving corporate IVF I attended a few conferences and started to learn more and more about the impact that toxins are having on fertility.. and then, as I delved deeper and deeper into the research I realised how much of an impact these chemicals were having on MY health - even though I was long past conceiving, not to mention how much of an impact they were having on on my KIDS health, even though they were No where NEAR being ready to conceive (they're 7 and 14!).
So I researched, I gathered data, I made it relevant and, most importantly, DO-ABLE!
and I curated and created and adapted this program to make is EASIER for everyone to live a cleaner, low-tox life - without becoming a hippy!
I've done the research, so you don't have to
Frequently asked Questions
What if I can't make a LIVE session? is it recorded?
All the LIVE lessons will be recorded and available for you to return to as many times as you want to!
It's really CHEAP compared to other 6 week programs! what am I missing?
I just really want EVERYONE to have access to this information. living is expensive these days - understanding your health shouldn't be!
Is it referenced? (I'm a bit of a nerd and like to see the science)
Every lesson is fully referenced with a reference list for you to completely nerd-out on, but I've broken it down into easy to understand, actionable steps you can take straight away!
Will I have to throw everything away and replace it with expensive products?
No! Often it's just about making a simple switch next time you buy a product, it's called 'Conscious Replacement' and just means you have a bit of an extra think next time you're shopping (with the new information you have about ingredients and what to look for!)
Will it get me pregnant?
I can't make any promises like that obviously, but it will definitely help your hormones work better and that can ONLY be good for your fertility! (and HIS!!) I can tell you that of the 25 people who have done this program already this year - 4 now have a SPONTANEOUS pregnancy on board after 2 or more failed IVF treatment cycles!!!
The Nitty Gritty
This is a 6 week LIVE program delivered via Zoom. There is a Facebook group for accountability and check-ins and interaction with others doing the course at the same time.
The cost is just $397AUD if you pay upfront (that's less than $10 a day!)
There's a cooling off period of 24 hours after purchase during which time I'll refund you 100% if you're not completely happy
6 x weekly LIVE lessons (recorded and available for you to return to whenever you need to)
Weekly checklists to help
Weekly safer shopping guides (with discount codes for new products)
Natural Detoxification guide
Live chats with other low tox experts, habit hackers and interesting peeps
Facebook group for community as you make the changes
Daily check ins and accountability to help you change habits
Ingredients watchlist
All for just $397!! I'm keeping the cost stupidly LOW so that it's accessible for EVERYONE