IVFWTF - 6 week Intensive
Let's get you prepared and READY for IVF!
Kicking off on the 1st of February 2025

The Internationally acclaimed IVFWTF Program - Giving you Confidence, Clarity and COMMUNITY as you prepare for and go through IVF treatment

From Overwhelm to Clarity
IVF preparation to put YOU in the best position possible
Picture this, you've just walked out of a doctors appointment.... the doctor has said IVF is next... you're armed with a pile of shiny brochures filled with pregnant bellies and smiling babies, a heap of test requests..
and of course the all important information about how to pay for it all...
but still no real knowledge of what's ACTUALLY going to happen and how on EARTH you're going to cope with this seemingly insurmountable obstacle of IVF treatment... and, to be honest, wondering if maybe someone got something wildly wrong.
You're feeling overwhelmed, under-informed and completely alone...
You're not used to feeling stupid... but now, for probably the first time in a really long time, you're feeling a bit like you're out of control and you don't know where to turn.
This is honestly how most of my clients feel when they first come to me - you are most definitely not alone!
Instead, I want you to feel confident, calm and well informed as you go through treatment. I want you to KNOW what's going to happen next, to be armed with knowledge, and a database to return to - there at the ready when you need it.
I want you to feel like you have all the information and support that you need!
The IVFWTF 6-week Intensive kicks off on February 1st with 6 weeks of activities and information to step you through everything you need to know and do BEFORE you start your IVF treatment. Once the 6 weeks are over, you have lifetime access to all of the content!
All the info you need, at your fingertips, through a filter you can trust. Much better than 27 thousand hours of google searching!
You got this x
It's YOUR body after all and Knowledge is POWER!
6 Live educational sessions
Step-by-step video Explainers
Community Support and Q and A sessions
Discount Codes and Expert Guests

All the Technical stuff
What's ACTUALLY going to happen in your IVF treatment? what do all the words mean, and how do they ACTUALLY do it?
Get all the info and feel confident with the jargon

All the Lifestyle Stuff
Toxins and Supplements and Exercise and Mindset - Feel confident that you're doing everything you can - and not twisting yourself in knots trying to work out what's important and what's not. We'll cover all of this in our live chats

All the Support and Community
Nothing is more important than knowing that someone else 'gets it' - knowing that you're not alone
So we're pulling together a group of people to do the intensive at the same time - your support crew if you like
Internationally Acclaimed!
Lucy, Two Lines Fertility and specifically the IVFWTF program has been recognised for TWO YEARS RUNNING in the "Best Fertility Service' category of the Fertility Care Awards from the European Fertility Society in 2022 and 2023.
The Best Fertility Service is for individuals and organisations who have been delivering outstanding patients service in reproductive health
(in 2024 Lucy was invited to sit on the judging panel for these awards and will do so again in 2025)

Good for you if:
You're feeling overwhelmed about the concept of doing IVF
✔️ You know that preparation is key
✔️ You are tired of relying on information you're finding in facebook groups and late night google searches
✔️ You suspect that IVF may not be as easy at the clinic have made it sound
✔️ You want to make some lifestyle changes before you start
Not right for you if:
You're not convinced there's anything you can do about your infertility
╳ You're looking for a quick fix or would rather band-aid your way out of it
╳ You're not prepared to change your habits
╳ You think that supplements will solve the problem
╳ You don't have 6 weeks to make some changes
╳ You're not into straight talk

Let's take a closer look
Here's what you get when you join the IVFWTF 6-week Intensive
Doing IVF is a marathon and not a sprint - going in prepared is the key. Here's what we'll be tackling each week of the program:
Week ONE
Understanding Infertility and reasons for IVF
In the first week, we'll dive into why it's so important to prepare for IVF treatment - how we got here, what IVF can do and what it can't. We'll talk about the 'raw materials' for conception and the concepts of 'Nurture' 'Nourish' and 'Protect' in the context of preparing for conception. I will direct you to some modules in the program that you can look at in your own time. We will also touch on toxins and fertility, as well as different IVF clinics and how their policies will impact your treatment. During this week we can also discuss choosing an IVF clinic for anyone who hasn't yet chosen one or isn't sure they made the right choice
Week TWO
Before you start your treatment
In this session, you'll learn about the things you NEED to do before you start treatment and what you can do whilst you're waiting for treatment to start. We'll cover testing, journalling, boundaries, plans and managing relationships. We will also dig a little deeper into some of the toxins you will find in your home and start making some changes in the products you're using in the kitchen and bathroom. There will be checklists and safer shopping guides for you to download to help with these habit changes
All about Sperm
During week 3, we'll shift our focus to the sperm providers in your lives, highlighting the things HE can do and the impact HIS health has on IVF outcomes. We'll talk about how sperm are made and the toxic chemicals commonly found in personal care products that could be having an impact on your infertility and ongoing pregnancy results. We'll cover how they prepare the sperm ready for treatment and what's actually going to happen on the day. We will also talk a bit about how HE feels during treatment and the things he can do to feel supportive and involved (in what can feel like a very female centric process!)
We will also cover what you can do if you're using a sperm donor.
Egg Maturity, Fertilisation, Compaction, Blastulation and Utilisation
In the fourth week, we'll cover EVERYTHING to do with an ACTUAL cycle of IVF - how do they collect the eggs, how do they know if they're mature, what's the difference between standard IVF and ICSI, why do some eggs fertilise and others don't, how do they grow and develop, why are some not OK for freezing.... ALL your questions will be answered!!
Extra Testing / Self Advocacy
In the fifth week, we'll explore your options if things don't work or you need some kind of extra testing - what are all these 'add-ons' and do you really need them? How do you do your 'own research' and how do you ask your Dr (and know that they're giving you the right answers!) We'll also talk about self advocacy - how do you REALLY advocate for yourself, even when you're not really sure what's going on
Week SIX
What to Expect during treatment
In the final week, we'll talk about all the other resources inside the IVFWTF program that you have access to (including resources guides for donation and surrogacy, early pregnancy and miscarriage. There are workbooks for EFT tapping, workshops to help you sleep, sessions with a psychologist, meditations and support for the Two Week Wait. We'll also talk about Success rates and what they really mean
Are you ready to prepare for IVF?
(don't worry, it's not all about taking a million supplements and going vegan and organic!)
I've designed this 6 week program to guide you through the simple steps that will have a huge impact on your IVF outcomes, and on how you cope and manage during treatment. I will be there every step of the way, along with a group of others doing the same thing at the same time. You have access to ALL the material right from the moment you sign up and for as long as you need it and can join as many or as few of the live sessions as you choose.

This awesome supportive program is currently full
Safety Net of information to fall back on
'I'm so glad I signed up!! Just knowing I had that safety net of information to fall back on reduced my anxiety and stress. The Q & A sessions are fantastic! I love that you can tackle the program in whatever order works for you and you can go back and revisit. I've listened/completed some parts multiple times! Lucy is super knowledgable & compassionate - two things that are invaluable when going through IVF and Infertility!"
Sarah - Australia
IVFWTF was my Best Friend through my first IVF cycle
"The IVFWTF Program was my best friend throughout my first ever IVF cycle. The whole program was so informative and comprehensive, it gave me the knowledge and empowerment that I needed throughout each phase of the process"
Ashlee - London
A sense of calm to an otherwise traumatic time
"Lucy brought a sense of calm to an otherwise traumatic couple of years. The IVFWTF program is so informative and I wish I had it before I started this IVF journey! The Program has encouraged me to focus on egg and sperm quality with the right tools while avoiding nonsense. Lucy in an excellent teacher, and I am very thankful for her wealth of experience and tremendous guidance"
Kelsie - USA
IVFWTF helped me feel more in control and empowered
"I'm so glad I found this program. I now feel I am a lot more knowledgeable of all the steps of IVF and what it involves. It's helped me feel more in control and more empowered to make decisions and understand all the things our specialist has spoken about. I would definitely recommend this program to anyone who is about to start or is in the process of undergoing IVF"
Lydia - London
Everything that's included in this 6 week program
Rather than feeling overwhelmed, this course will help you navigate IVF with confidence
Weekly Group Classes
These are held weekly LIVE and recordings will be available so you can revisit it as many times as you need to!
IVF Step-by-Step
Step-by-step explainers for every stage of IVF treatment - so you know exactly what to expect at each stage of your cycle
Supporting relationships
Managing relationships during stressful times can be really hard - IVFWTF is here to support you and help you with tools and tips to keep you on an even keel
Toxins info you need
Simple everyday detoxification, safe shopping guides, low-tox resources and even an ingredient watchlist
IVF clinic decoders
What's the difference between all the different clinics - feel confident that you've made the right choice and know what to expect
This is the KEY to surviving IVF - knowing you have a community of others who are doing the same thing at the same time, people who TRULY understand
Seen and Heard on

Why am I here?
I worked inside and alongside IVF clinics for almost 17 years before starting Two Lines Fertility and in that time I watched IVF go from not-for-profit - to very-MUCH-for profit.... from collaboration between clinics and profits going straight into research to closed doors and competition.
Back in the early 2000's, everyone had a consult with an embryologist at least once in their IVF treatment cycle, they got phone calls every day from the embryology lab and they knew what was going on.
These days, embryologists are kept mostly behind the scenes and patients are left to find this information on their own - I know it's 2025, there's LOTS of information out there - you can google around the probably find everything you need.... but you can also get overwhelmed with information that doesn't relate to you or just isn't relevant to your situation - or worse still, is actually false and misleading
There are so many studies now telling us just how important it is for people to understand their treatment and to feel empowered, informed and supported through treatment - and that's what I'm all about 🥰 and that's why the IVFWTF program is here
Frequently asked Questions
What if I can't make a LIVE session? is it recorded?
All the LIVE lessons will be recorded and available for you to return to as many times as you want to!
It's really CHEAP compared to other 6 week programs! what am I missing?
I just really want EVERYONE to have access to this information, living is expensive these days - understanding your health shouldn't be!
Is it referenced? (I'm a bit of a nerd and like to see the science)
Every lesson is fully referenced with a reference list for you to completely nerd-out on, but I've broken it down into easy to understand, actionable steps you can take straight away!
Will I have to throw everything away and replace it with expensive products?
No! Often it's just about making a simple switch next time you buy a product, it's called 'Conscious Replacement' and just means you have a bit of an extra think next time you're shopping (with the new information you have about ingredients and what to look for!)
Will it get me pregnant?
I can't make any promises like that obviously, but it will definitely help you to understand what's going on - and that can ONLY be a good thing. The toxins info will help your hormones work better too and that can ONLY be good for your fertility! (and HIS!!)
Do I need to pause treatment?
That's completely up to you. You can do this alongside your treatment if you choose and you will get lots of benefit from it. But it takes 90-120 days for an egg to be ready, and around 80 days to make a sperm - so you will see the greatest benefits if you do this program before you start treatment
Shouldn't my IVF clinic / Fertility Specialist give me everything I need to prepare?
Your clinic will give you information about your treatment plan, but unfortunately many patients feel unsupported and un-informed though-out their treatment. This is why I have created this program. This program will prepare you for IVF, help you understand your treatment, manage your expectations and give you actionable tools to support yourself and advocate for yourself throughout your treatment
What if I get pregnant naturally before I start IVF?
Woo hoo!! this is the PERFECT outcome!! and exactly what we're ALL hoping for!! A lot of the content will be very useful for you in that very anxious time of early pregnancy after infertility - sleep workshops, meditations, low-tox resources and resources guides for all the things yo'll be wondering about
How is this program different to any of the others out there?
It's run by a clinically experience embryologist! This program provides behind the scenes information about what goes on in an IVF cycle including images of embryo development and equipment used as well as explanations of treatments and procedures. You will have all your questions answered and feel knowledgable, confident and in control of your IVF cycle. This is all combined with supportive care, meditations, a sleep workshop, nutritional advice (from a registered dietitian), Yoga, Two Week Wait support, resources guides for genetics, surrogacy, donation, miscarriage and more
Bonus Material
I have purchased these (and more!) so that you don't have to!
Meditations for IVF
There are 6 meditations inside the program from Robyn Birkin - Fertility Warrior. These can be downloaded and used as audio tracks or watched as a video file
EFT - tapping for fertility
A complete guide to EFT Tapping for Fertility from Sarah Holland - European Fertility Society 'Best Fertility Coach' for 2022 - Including video and eGuide
Nutritional Guidance
Specific to the Two Week Wait (after your embryo transfer) from Stefanie Valakas - The Dietologist. Including recipies and meal plans
The Nitty Gritty
This is a 6 week LIVE program delivered via Zoom. There is a Facebook group for accountability and check-ins and interaction with others doing the course at the same time.
The cost is just $997AUD if you pay upfront
There's a cooling off period of 24 hours after purchase during which time I'll refund you 100% if you're not completely happy
6 x weekly LIVE sessions (recorded and available for you to return to whenever you need to)
Ongoing access to the Group Support Facebook group (after the 6 weeks)
Preparing for Conception eCourse
Detox WTF eCourse
Lifetime access to the FULL IVFWTF Program
Live chats with various other fertility experts and interesting peeps
6-weeks of group support moderated by an experienced clinical embryologist
Downloadable resources to help with literally EVERY aspect of IVF
All for just $997!! I'm keeping the cost stupidly LOW so that it's accessible for EVERYONE