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1:1 Fertility Support bundles

If only falling pregnant was like the birds and
the bees

Even if you can't remember year nine biology, you know how getting pregnant works in theory, right? but things don't always happen like they do in the movies! 


Maybe you're at the beginning of trying to conceive, and you need some extra guidance and troubleshooting to understand the processes... or perhaps you're already 3 IVF cycles in and wondering where to turn next...


You’re smart, right?  and it’s 2024… you can *learn* what you need to know, can't you?  


Sure, you could spend 1,782 hours with Dr Google, and YouTube’ing free fertility videos and interviews on YouTube, or you may even find a free webinars from a Fertility Clinic (and wade your way through the PR and marketing to find the bits that apply to you) …


*or* you could get individual, personalised, professional INDEPENDENT guidance and support - like your very own Dr Google!

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Getting Started Bundle

This is the one for you if you are feeling overwhelmed by the idea that your GP has suggested you need to see a fertility Dr and that people are starting to suggest IVF could be next.

You'll get everything you need to take the next steps with confidence and clarity

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In-Cycle Support Bundle

This is the one for you if you're about to start a cycle of IVF (regardless of if its your first or your fifth)

You'll get access to the world reknowned IVFWTF program and ALL the resources PLUS Lucy on hand for qualified, experienced support every step of the way

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Between Cycle Review Bundle

This is the one if you've had a few cycles of IVF already and just not sure what to do next - or even what has really happened already!

We'll go through all of your treatment so far and make sure you understand it all before we make a plan for next steps

Getting Started Bundle

(this is the one for you if you are feeling overwhelmed by the idea that your GP has suggested you need to see a fertility Dr and that people are starting to suggest IVF could be next)


So it looks like IVF might be next..... it's time for a referral to a fertility specialist and some information about what might happen next...


With this bundle, you get clarity on your next steps


That looks like: 

  • Knowing WHO to see

  • Knowing WHAT to ask them

  • Feeling CONFIDENT as you go into your appointment (because you know what to expect)

  • Feeling EMPOWERED about what might happen next and what your options are


DID YOU KNOW… The average fertile 30-year old woman has only a 20-25% chance of conceiving naturally in any given cycle? It's amazing that anyone ever gets pregnant! 

What's Involved?

Let's discuss all things timing-related: - cycles, periods, exercise, health, and (dare say it?!) *relaxation* and stress relief.


Believe it or not, all of these contribute to your ability to conceive.

​We'll also talk about the raw ingredients needed for baking a baby - sperm, eggs, uterus, etc. and how to make sure you have the right ingredients ready at the right time.

We'll talk about A.R.T - what is it? what might happen next?

In these calls you will also get my unique style of 'no-bullshit' coaching.

It took me 10 years of 'trying' to build my family, through infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss, I learnt some stuff and I'm more than happy to pass it on.


You might have asked yourself questions like: 


Am I doing everything I could be doing?

Have we missed anything that might help us to conceive? 

Should we consider fertility treatment? 






PLUS you get Phone, text and email support whenever you need it for the duration of your bundle (usually around 30 days)

In the 'Getting Started' bundle, you get:

Preparation for Conception 4 week course..................................................................................................
One hour with Lucy 1:1............................................................................................................................................ 
Help choosing a specialist who practices ETHICAL Fertility care ...................................................
6 week DetoxWTF step-by-step program to help you reduce exposure to hormone disrupting chemicals ............................................................................................................................................... 
Half hour follow up chat 1:1 with Luc
y  ...........................................................................................................








That's a total of $1024 of value, for just a little bit more than an initial consultation with a fertility specialist

This button will take you to my booking app where you can sign up for your Getting Started Bundle

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In Cycle Support

(this is the one for you if you need me 1:1 by phone, text and email as you go through a cycle of IVF)


I will be your personal Embryologist in your pocket!! Your IVF concierge if you like!

With access to me 24/7 (within reason of course!) as and when you need me!


These bundles are very limited (for obvious reasons) and are the absolute GOLD standard of care.  


I will be on call for you throughout your entire cycle - from before your very first needle, right through until you know if it worked or not.  I will support you through the two week wait, the OTHER two week wait (the one that no one talks about!) and through whatever decisions you need to make along the way and afterwards!

This one includes access to my world acclaimed IVFWTF program and all inclusions

*one off purchase

*If you want me on call for subsequent cycles there will be a slightly cheaper fee as you will already have access to the IVFWTF program.

No one 'just' does IVF - having an independent advocate will change your entire experience of IVF

What's Involved?

I'm here for EVERY step of your fertility journey - from the first injection through to the pregnancy test result.  You can call me, text me or we can catch up over zoom

In these calls you will also get my unique style of 'no-bullshit' coaching.

I have worked inside IVF clinics in Melbourne (Australia), Gothenburg (Sweden), the UK, Ireland and Queensland.  I have visited and supported and trained embryologists in clinics throughout Europe, the UK and Australia.  I know what's what in IVF, and I know what you don't even realise you might need to know!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

PLUS you get Phone, text and email support whenever you need it for the duration of your bundle (usually around 30 days)

This button will take you to my booking app where you can sign up for your In Cycle Support Bundle

Between Cycle Review

This is the one where get to actually UNDERSTAND what's been going on so far and get a plan for what to do next!

Where we go through all the information from the cycles you've had and find the clues there as to what your next steps should be.  


You get to pick my embryologists brain for over 2 hours!


We will talk about numbers of eggs collected, how many mature, fertilised, developed to day 3, day 5, how many got frozen or transferred etc etc.. (you should definitely request your embryology reports before our second chat!)

Then we’ll go through what that actually MEANS - what hints can we gather from that information based on what we know about how embryos develop…

and finally we’ll cover what we can DO about it….


We’ll talk about egg health and sperm health, what influence they have over your results and what we can actually do to influence outcomes (and what we can’t… and why!)

You will walk away feeling a whole lot more confident about what’s going on, and with tools to make any changes necessary (including finding a new specialist if that’s what you need)

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"Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it."
Winston Churchill

What's Involved?

*this bundle includes:
   -One Hour Initial Chat (normally $250)
   -One Hour Follow Up chat (normally $200)
   -A full spreadsheet making it easy to see all the details of all your treatment (normally $60)
   -Half Hour Quick question (normally $150)
   -Prep for Conception 4 week course (normally $197)
   -DetoxWTF 6 week course (normally $197)
   -Help Choosing a specialist (If needed) (normally $80)

Thats a total of over $1000 worth of value, for just a little bit more than a 20 minute consultation with your specialist

*One off payment, vouchers for booking sessions valid for 60 days

This button will take you to my booking app where you can sign up for your Between Cycle Review

Worried, stressed, or confused about your fertility treatment?

Day 1. Day 3. Day 5. Mature eggs. Fertilisation results. Syngamy. PGS. PGT. Amplifying cells. Two cells. Four cells. Eight cells. Compacting. Cavitating. Blastulation. Collapsed. Hatching. Freeze-all. OHSS…

It’s little wonder people need additional support.

As a qualified embryologist with more than 20 years working in and for fertility clinics worldwide – not to mention fertility struggles of my own – I understand the emotional rollercoaster that is fertility treatment. 


And I’m here to support you.

All of my support is customised, designed to support you, wherever you are up to.

Want me to come with you to your fertility specialist appointment? I’ll be there.

Need to debrief over a coffee after your appointments? I’ll order ahead.

Forgot what time to take your trigger? Just ask me.

Want to phone me from the car on the way home? I’m all ears.

Received a call from the lab but unsure what they meant? I’ll decode the doctor-speak.

Stuck in the dreaded two-week wait? I’m here for you.

Don't want a bundle - just want Lucy on hand?

It's ok, you can do that too!


BUT - we have to get to know each other first.  So, we'll start with a one hour once off - tell me your story, I'll tell you mine and we'll cover off what's expected.  Then, you join the 1:1 membership with me kind of at your beck and call as and when you need me - which some weeks will be a lot, others not so much... if I haven't heard from you in a while, I will reach out and check in, but this one is really driven by you.  You message me letting me know you want a chat and I call when I can.

This one doesn't include any zoom chats or online courses or group programs.

This one is for those of you who are not interested in courses, who do a fair bit of 'research' on your own, but just want a sanity check occasionally.

To access this ongoing support - you need to start with a one hour chat - you can book that here: 


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So How Does It Work?

You can jump straight in and start your membership whenever you are ready (just click the button below).  Once you've signed up, you'll get an email from me with information about how to book our first one-on-one chat, where we can meet and you can tell me your story.  We can talk about all the things you've done so far and start to think about how we want our time together to look and then we take it from there!

If you're not quite ready to sign up for a membership, but you'd like to chat to me first, you can start with a one-off appointment - one hour with me in the hotseat - any questions, any ponderings, literally anything at all about fertility - I'm here to give you whatever information I can in an hour - I'll send you an email afterwards with a recording of our chat plus a bit of a summary of what we've talked about and some ideas about next steps - and I'm here for questions afterwards via email for 7 days - you can book that HERE.

(if you go with a one-off first, I can credit the cost of that appointment towards any of the bundles, and if you get pregnant during the time we're working together - your payments stop straight away! - unless of course you want that extra support during early pregnancy)

Two Lines Fertility Support means less stress, less confusion, and no more Dr. Google!

“I met Lucy through family at a very sensitive and emotional time in our lives. We had some difficulties getting pregnant, and at that stage we were seeing a specialist who was not helping us with our infertility issues… Lucy got us in touch with the right specialist which turned our whole situation around.


We went from being in the depths of despair to feeling hopeful, and eventually the greatest joy in the world (twins).


Within this period I had weekly chats with Lucy to help understand and interpret what was going on. Lucy's expert, honest, pragmatic, sensitive and often witty approach to this delicate situation helped us enormously. I will forever remember the role Lucy played in helping us to have the family we wished for.” 

- Simon W, Melbourne Australia

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